Sunday, March 24, 2013

I'm 'that' mom...

Yep... I'm so 'that' mom.

I'm obsessed with my kid and taking pictures of him. I literally have over 5000 pictures on my phone right now and about 3500 are of him. It's ridiculous.

But... it is what it is.

Here is our little photo sesh from tonight.

First Colt and played cards on the lawn and Tag hung out with us. I love pictures of Colt and Tag together.
Then tonight they played airplane. Tag LOVES to play airplane. He thinks I'm pretty funny too so we got some good laughs. 

I just love being this little guy's momma!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

First Swim

Tag already loves baths so I knew he would swimming. I was right. We swam for an hour today. It was so fun to see Tag get excited and splash around. Then the water would splash his face and he would get scared for a second then smile some more.
The pics don't show how happy he was cuz they were all taken right together at the beginning but he really did love it!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Guess who's laughing!??

Tag has been giggling a tiny bit here and there but very rarely.

Tonight, he is officially laughing!
It totally melts my heart.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3 months

Where is the time going??!!

This handsome little hunk is 3 months old today. It blows my mind.

Tag - 3 months

  • You are officially laughing as of today!!
  • You are a chatterbox. You are starting to yell a little bit too. It's really cute. You really like to talk to the T.V. when we watch it at night.
  • You love to be outside, but the wind takes your breath away every time. It cracks us up.
  • You are always chewing on your fists, fingers, and tongue. But your newest thing is sucking your bottom lip in and sucking on it... seriously all the time. I am worried it is going to get chapped but I don't know what to do!
  • You are sleeping like a champ! You go to sleep around 9:30 and wake up around 8:30 and only wake up to eat for about 5 minutes once a night. It's awesome.
  • You just keep getting chubbier. We LOVE it.
  • You smile all the time and recognize your Dad and I now. You love playing 'pat-a-cake' and 'POP goes the weasel.' The pop always scares you but then you get really excited. It's so cute!
  • You still smile with your whole body.
  • Your Dad blessed you last Sunday, it was beautiful. You are officially in the church records!
  • You make your sucky face in your sleep still. We joke that you even dream of eating. 
  • You still love to be naked and have your diaper off. 
Basically, you're a dream baby. You never fuss unless you are hungry, you are super interested in everything around you and you are such a happy guy. We fall more and more in love with you everyday.

baby bum!

Sorry, it's just too cute.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Bathtime in the bumbo and loving it!!!

Obsessed with his rolls.