Tag at 5 months
- Tag jabbers all the time now. Especially early, early in the morning. He just wakes up and talks until Dad and Mom wake up. We don't mind it at all though.
- The biggest milestone... TAG IS SITTING UP! He still tips over a little bit... but he goes 5 or 6 minutes now in-between falling.
- rolls really well, and pushes up on his arms for a lot longer periods now.
- he has started this shy thing... he will smile at whoever is talking to him then turn and bury his face in me. He actually buries his face in everything right now.
- loves his food! we have started veggies. sweet potatoes and carrots are your favorite. you don't like green beans though.
- you are teething so we let you have popsicles sometimes. it's probably not the best for you but you LOVE them. It must feel good on those sore gums.
- you shriek a lot! you get excited in your jumper {which you loooooove} and just scream. you think its funny to yell.
- speaking of yelling... you are learning how to get your way. when you want picked up and i walk away you are starting to cry. you want what you want, when you want it.
- You have found your toes and they are pretty much the coolest toy ever.
- you are still totally fascinated with Tuf. You like all animals actually but Tuf is your favorite because he lets you maul him.
- you fake cry. its pretty dang cute. we feel bad for laughing at you but its hilarious.
You have the sweetest personality. You have such a good nature about you. We are starting to a little mischievous side of you and we just crack up. You are such a fun baby Tag man. We thank Heavenly Father for you every day.