Colt graduated for Northwest Lineman College on Friday December 16th. His family and I drove to Boise to see his lineman rodeo and graduation ceremony. Colt was so excited to have us there. It was neat to see his school and meet his friends and instructors. He worked really hard. He ended up graduating with all A's and one B. I was dang proud of him!
colt and i at his graduation.
colt climbin.
shakin his instructors hands.
As of right now he has a job offer with a company out of Florida. We would leave right after our wedding to San Antonio, Texas because they are just starting a new job there. Colt has a couple interviews this week, we are kindof hoping he can get on somewhere a little closer to home so we won't be so far away but we will do what we have to.
did i mention we had to bring tuf to boise too? i just couldnt leave him home. ;)
all together!
I was so excited to get to ride home with Colt and know he doesn't have to leave me again 2 days later. It's funny how the littlest things mean the most when you don't have them. You know that Christmas song "all i want for christmas is you" In years past I have always thought it was the cheesiest song ever. This year I love it more than anything. With our wedding in less than 3 weeks and Colt having been in school we have no extra money. We really aren't doing Christmas gifts, we are just having our wedding be our present this year. So now I hear that song and really appreciate the lyrics. It's so true. All I want for Christmas is Colt home with me. :)
Colton's sister is hunting in Mexico with her husband so her kids are staying with colts parents. This lovely little girl is Keslee. Seeing Colt with her makes me so happy. He loves her so much and she adores Colton. It is so funny. It makes me excited to have kids {NOT anytime soon} because I know he will be such a good dad.
I really do feel so lucky to get to marry such an awesome guy. Here are just a few on the many reasons why-
~he works hard for what he wants and doesn't stop til he gets it
~he takes with him on the tractor and to move pipe in the summer
~he stops a billion times for me on roadtrips -even though i put us an hour behind schedule
~he makes me laugh even when i'm really mad, and he can't stay mad at me - even when i touch his cowboy hats ;)
~he loves our dog and doesn't laugh at me when i treat him like a baby {cuz he does too}
~he jokes with me and loves on me, even if we are with his friends.
~he is a cowboy... i'm a sucker for those.
~he tells me i'm his best friend, and shows me that i am.
~he has a strong testimony and he is taking me to the temple in 18 days.
<3 yeah i love him.
Here a few upcoming events in our story.
-Christmas is in 5 days.
-We are taking out our endowments on new years eve in the salt lake temple {pretty cool way to start the new year huh}
-we are getting married the following saturday january 7th also in the salt lake temple.
Now we just have to find a job and a house! It seems crazy that we have less than 3 weeks and no clue as to even what state we will be in! But we know if we keep doing what we are suppose to and work hard, things will work out for us! For now, we will just try to enjoy the chaos. :)
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