Valentines Day started out great and ended... let's just say I'm glad its over!
Tag and I woke up at 5 to make Dad breakfast. Colt was glad to wake up to a hot breakfast because that doesn't happen on week days since Tag was born.
We made Dad this cute Valentine. He loved it. I loved it too so we can always have Tag's footprints from his first Valentine's Day!
Colt got me some fun stuff too. My fav was this new polka dot sweater. I have wanted one for a while now but haven't left the house much since I had Tag so it was sweet of him to find me one.

At 3:30 we had to go to Tag's two month check-up. Boo.
Our little man had grown so much!
Tag is 16lbs 4oz and 25' long now. That puts him in the 100th percentile for weight and 97th for height. Big big boy!
Then the worst... his two months shots. He got three shots in his legs and got one immunization orally. Poor guy was so mad but I think it was probably worse on me. I stressed about this appointment all week. The only reason I didn't cancel it was because I knew it would just prolong the stressing. I'm so glad its over.
He fevered that night and the next day. He was definitely more fussy than normal and slept a lot more too. We gave him a bath that night and he was so mad. That's when I knew he really didn't feel good because he LOVES baths.
The only thing I liked about the whole thing was I got lots of extra cuddle time.
So Valentine's was a little hard this year but I am so grateful for both of my Valentine's. I love my sweet boys.
you look AMAZING!! what is your secret? and tag looks so adorable. shots are the worst!! i choked up everytime with liv.