Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pregnancy Update.

Pregnancy is awesome.

Okay maybe there is a little sarcasm there. I am so happy to be pregnant so I really don't want to complain but like I said before, I want to document pregnancy stuff and not all of it is so great.

Let me start off saying overall I feel great!! Better than I have the whole pregnancy for sure. I haven't been too uncomfortable and my energy level has been really good. I wish the whole pregnancy was as easy as the past couple weeks have been. Well, for the most part...

I know people say you get mood swings but I'm not an emotional person so I didn't think I would really get that part. Well I did. No, I still don't cry but I get mad. At drivers, people at the grocery store, the weather, when the dishes don't come as clean as I'd like. Not like irritated but like it takes everything in me to not flip the bird at every car that we pass. (ps that is crazy for me because i think that it is super trashy and ive never been like that nor have ever done it) Colton has been so great. He says he just tries to stay out of the way. I don't blame him. The most frustrating thing of all is when I'm in a bad mood, and I am 100% aware of it, but I can't change it! I just try to explain... "I know I'm being crazy right now, I can't really help it. It will pass just give me a little bit." I'm glad I don't have to live with me right now.

Haven't had too many cravings lately. Except milk. Between Colton and I we go through a gallon every 2-3 days. It's crazy. I also went through a PEZ thing. Weird I know. I haven't had PEZ since I was a little kid. I've hated candy this whole pregnancy and still do but I really have loved PEZ.

Disclaimer: this next paragraph may not be suitable for all readers. ;)
For all those future mommas who haven't had babies yet, let me tell you something. I apologize if it's TMI but the constant bathroom trips a day have kicked into high gear. All night and all day. I was very well informed that I would have to pee alot during pregnancy however I didn't know that it would happen like this. Example: Yesterday we were at the Nike store, no big deal looking at stuff and Tag moved and literally I was like, "bathroom NOW!" it hits so fast!!! But then to make it a billion times more frustrating, I get to the bathroom and barely even have to go. So annoying. I was jut never informed of this lovely part of pregnancy so I thought that I would give you all a heads up.

Feeling Tag move has seriously been once of the neatest experiences of my whole life. I love being at the store and felling him wiggle around. Even though he isn't born yet I never feel alone. It's just the coolest feeling. However I think my little tag man is running out of room. His cute little movements have turned into big ouchie movements. I literally yell "ow!" out loud on complete accident sometimes. He kicks the worst places and it hurts!! But I'm just grateful he is active and doing well so I will take it for another 100 days.

We have a new doctor here is San Antonio. Depending on how things go this next month, we will most likely being delivering here so we won't have I switch doctors again. He is really great! I finally feel really good and him. We go back next week for a little blood work and then the week after for my Rogam shot. But he says everything is looking really good and Tag is doing well!!

I feel like this post is so negative! I assure you, I am not trying to make it sound that way. I am beyond grateful for this little boy. I can not wait for him to be here and I can hold him in my arms. I just want to document pregnancy happenings. I am more or less venting and don't want anyone to think I am complaining.

Here is a funny little comic I came across. Seems fitting for the circumstances...

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