Thursday, February 28, 2013

Binki Comeback!!

A few weeks ago Tag gave up the binki. It was literally almost a full month of no binki. I had mixed feelings. Part of me was glad that we would never have to have a traumatic weaning, the other part of me missed it. Especially in the car.
I don't know what changed but the last three days he has loved it again. We are headed to Heber for Tags blessing tomorrow and it's a four hour trip, so it's just in time.
We will see what happens but I'm loving it for now.


  1. haha, when i first saw the title i read "BIKINI comback" not BINKI... :)

  2. Binki's are the best! olivia was the easiest child when she had hers. i'm trying to convince brock they're a good idea! he's adorable, by the way. brock has pajamas with the same print... gap?

  3. I read BIKINI comeback also!! I was like girl, you already look good!! He is adorable!! :)

    1. haha definitely not bikini. that wot be happening for a longgg time lol.
