Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It's funny how pregnancy changes the way you eat. I've always heard the cliche "pickles & ice cream" but wondered what I would crave. This will be a boring post, but I just want to write these down because I know I will forget.

In the beginning I HATED EVERYTHING. Literally. Colton would come home from work and I'd cry because I was so sick and so hungry but every time I would think of eating, I would get even sicker. He would ask what he could get me but I couldn't give him an answer. Poor guy couldn't win. I would just say "Just go get something, not that or that or that... but just find something." One time he came home with stuff from 4 different places. I hated it all, but I managed to get through it. Tuf was a happy dog... he got everything I didn't want.
The grocery store was my worst nightmare. I literally felt like I would puke just walking in the store. I never went and if I did it was for necessities only. Colton would be like "Why don't have any snacks and treats for my lunch?" I would try to get some but it just made too sick to be there. I'm glad I have such an understanding husband LOL.

Eventually I got to the point where I could eat fruit, but that was about it. I lived on apples, grapes, strawberries and raspberries. I liked salad too. My big thing was apple juice and orange juice. I hated both before I was pregnant but that was all I wanted to drink.

If anything, Tag has made me eat extremely healthy. Even now, when I eat sugar I get so sick. No treats for me. Its nice to eat this healthy though. Excluding the morning sickness, I feel better than ever.

Then we went through the 'Taco Time' phase. I really hate fast food being pregnant. But the only thing I wanted to eat for about 10 days straight was a crisp bean burrito. Colt was so sick of Taco Time I doubt he will ever eat there again. I'm burnt out myself but it was funny at the time.

The other change was Coke. I never drank Coke. Ever. I don't drink pop really at all. But when I went to Idaho to visit my family and I saw a Coke commercial. It was all I needed to see. For the last three weeks I just crave it! I try not to drink it too much because I really don't like to drink caffeine, especially with the baby. But its all I want.

... and milk. I could probably drink a half gallon a day right now.

It's funny how things change. Who knows what will be next!!


  1. The while time I was reading this I was like, "yes, yes, yes!" I think our baby's have the same appetite!

  2. Haha! Well then, I am very sorry. LOL!
