Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tag Colton

Baby Bangerter has a name! We have decided on Tag Colton Bangerter. It's different so I'm sure we will get lots of weird looks and "what's his real name?" but we love it and it just feels right. We are so glad to be done with the naming process.

We had our halfway apt yesterday and everything went great! The only bummer for me is that I am 20 weeks along and still barely barely barely feel Tag kick. Yesterday I was watching the screen and he was moving and kicking like crazy and I couldn't feel a thing! But they told me the placenta is in front of him instead of behind him. They said its totally normal and it can move, it just means the placenta acts like a pillow so when he kicks I don't really feel it yet. Hopefully I will feel him a lot more in the next week or two. But he is growing well and everything looks on schedule. They actually moved our date to 12.12.12!! Chances of him actually being born on that date are a little slim lol but it would be cool!!

I love this little picture of his foot.

Here is a picture of his profile. I was a little bummed because his head is tipped back and was moving. She only took one profile picture so it's not as good as last ultrasounds but its the newest picture of him.

Now that we are done with that appointment I don't have to go back for another month. Colt is super homesick so I decided to head back to Texas for a couple weeks to stay with him. He is going back to San Antonio for a little bit so it will be easier for me to be there where as I couldn't really live in the desert. It's bittersweet. I have loved being home with everyone but I miss my husband. So back to Texas I go!

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