Tuesday, September 18, 2012

hey there third trimester...

Yahoo! I am officially in the third trimester. I have been waiting for this for what seems like forever. 12 weeks to go 'til my due date.

Today's appt went well. He measured up perfectly and his heartbeat sounded good. The doctor laughed because when he went to listen to the heartbeat, he put the wand on my stomach and Tag jumped and his heartbeat went up. I guess the doctor scared him lol.

Here is my 28 week picture. Colt keeps telling me how he can't believe how big I am. Lovely huh? But he says it's in a good way... as good as getting huge can be I guess? Men. Anyway, I haven't taken a posted a picture for a couple weeks because I feel like an elephant and it sucks. But I know I will regret not taking them later so here is week 28...

I also got my RhoGam shot today. Shots haven't ever really bothered me but I swear it's getting worse... but it's done!

My little ninja baby has kicked his kicking into full gear. Ribs, sides and TONS of very low kicks. They hurt.
I have also gotten to the uncomfortable stage. No matter what I do, I ache and can't get comfy.
My tailbone still hurts. I read a thing today where a girl broke her tailbone during her delivery... now I am scared for that. I didn't even know that could happen! Haha, I am not going to stress myself out but it just hurts all the time and it's annoying. I've been working out more thinking maybe it will help it. So far it hasn't. Oh well, only 12 more weeks right?!

Oh! And guess what came back to visit?? Nausea. Yup. Second trimester is a lovely break from so many things but now the morning sickness is back. Really hoping this is temporary!

I was aching so bad last night. I was complaining to Colton and I realized, I would do this a 100 times over for Tag. It doesn't make it more fun, but I seriously need to stop complaining. I know it will all be worth it come December. Until then... I just need to deal.

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